How do you make boundaries?
1000kcal mass shake which is ACTUALLY easy to consume.
To the people who stayed single for the most part of their life, is it really as bad as it is deemed to be?
"I believe in the sun even when it is not shining. I believe in love even when i cannot feel it. I believe in God even when he is silent. " - Written on a cellar wall by a Jew prisoner in Germany during the Holocaust [600x600]
Have you ever had a negative reaction to a perfume in public?
How to tell if your minoxidil is fake!
Benzema underlip beard progress
I found a bag of dog poop on my counter
What is the kindest thing a stranger has ever done to you?
What surprised you the most of the opposite gender the first time you had sex?
AIO Racist boyfriend l?
Have you ever messaged a celebrity on Instagram even though you knew they'd probably never read it?
Shave or keep going?
Du wolltest schon immer deine eigene Sekte gründen und bist bisher an der passenden Immobilie gescheitert?
AIO: best friend sleeps with ex
How much zinc do you take per day?
Looking for some styling tips
IS this enough to let it grow out?
Famous People on here for social skills
Would you take an abandoned and already used limited edition bottle from a random seat in the cinema and reuse it?
Have you ever found out that someone secretly tried to avoid you because he doesn’t want you around?
Would you rather go to the gym alone or with other people?
[product question] 40%+ urea for use on face
What kind of orbweaver is this? (Germany)
Does anybody know any slow fashion brands with clothes like these?