Male listener’s
Led Zeppelin or Pink Floyd?
Your username is the hottest new dating app. What’s it like?
My verbosity is symptomatic of a proclivity to counterfeit prespicaciousness.
DAE have their wisdom teeth removed while actually awake?
Which actor completely disappeared into a role so well that you forgot it was them?
Who else slathered this all over and went to bake in the sun for hours. Sun block??? Got to get my tan on
What did you do to occupy yourself as a kid that kids today could never comprehend?
Best frugal tips and tricks you swear by?
One way trip!
Can tanks crush Deployed Gi's? - Same Cost - Red Alert 2
What's your go-to substitute for the f-word?
Abu, a Turkish Malakli, is the UK's biggest dog. The 18-stone gentle giant stands at 7ft 2in on his hind legs and weighs just over 18 stone, the same as a baby elephant
I found this in my garden. What is it for ?
Everyone says I need a door. Why do I need a door?
Bring back the milkman, but for toilet paper
Eli5: Why does depression make your body physically hurt and make you feel like it takes more.enwrgy then normal to do normal activities?
What is an MMA and can it be used as a savings account?
How do I fix this?
What is one historical mystery that you’re dying to know?
Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow. Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow?? 😺
What’s a company secret you can share now that you don’t work there anymore?
What’s one thing a doctor told you that you’ve never forgotten?
It's not what you have done and accomplished that will be known after you die. It's what the people say about you.
If aliens landed tomorrow, what’s the first thing you’d say to them? 🤯👽