Advice for appeal letter with little new information
AFA submission
Height weight clearance to join
AFOQT Scores???
Strong Academics, weak physical
[2024 Day 20 (Part 1)] Correct result on input, but not on example?
PRAW documentation
Recruiting brawlers to finish the egg and complete missions actively we are currently around 20 eggs opened #recruit [10000] minimum.
Who has these back in the days?
Just received my Brotherhood today!
A lot of catching up to do
[2022 Day 23] Example input
[2022 Day 24 Part 1] Can this be solved with a shortest path algo (Dijkstra)?
[2022 Day 10] I got you all a nice little Christmas present to keep you warm
[2022 Day 24 ]
[2015-2022] All my variable names
[2022 Day 24] Time is so confusing