SCAM ALERT: FasTrak Toll Scam – They Know When You Cross!
psu did not come with compatible cables
Pro-Trump & MAGA restaurants to avoid
AIO - asked wife if she blocked a guy she cheated on me with in the past .
I got ghosted after sending a person I was talking to this pic. How bad is it 30 (F)
Based on my appearence, how much would you say I weigh? And does my fat make me look ugly? (I have body dysmorphia so I can't tell)
27F Needing some friends
How dare I make up an analogy
What champs do you think just ruin ARAM for everyone?
Is my (24F) boyfriend (26M) overreacting because i hid my sex toy?
Is it normal for my (26F) boyfriend (24M) to not like affection when he's stressed?
why the hate?
AIO is my boyfriend controlling or is he in the right
I hate sleeping with my husband
23 years old, am i ugly
Dental help.
29F genuinely curious, I don’t feel like I am attractive
Fake or real: Pokemon.
Am I the only cheapskate here? lol Difficult for me to spend more than $10 on a single card, and obvious don't open packs because I know I'll get nothing. How do I get over this? Or do I?
What’s the best CA song I could show to a non-fan?
Finally finished him
Found a stray kitten
Age of Kitten
AIO? My friend says that I don’t listen to what she says
Apartment breaker.