Did they remove patterns?
First fanfic you wrote?
What films do you think this describes?
Long Deadline Profile Fic Exchange (February 8th - February 14th)
Your OTP headcanons?
What’s a song where the reprise is better than the og song?
Alphabet Excerpt Challenge: P Is For...
What is something you’ve included in so many fics, you’ve forgotten it isn’t canon?
What’s a movie you expected to be good but it turned out to be Mediocre, Bad, or Horrible
Songs you associate with your favorite character/s?
Mama’s already proving she’s great at making life choices /s
Reading Rollcall: What was the Best Fic you read this week?
Weekly Fic Showcase - February 07 - February 13
What’s the worst audition you’ve ever had? (I just had mine and need to laugh)
Comment Cooperative - February 05
A03 will be down for maintenance
(CABARET) Ever thought of what a plot twist it would be if at the musicals end if Sally got with the Emcee?
The answer will always be a enthusiastic yes
Ghosts on Jeopardy!
A very original idea I say
What was your first, ever fanfiction you wrote?
Something interesting I noticed
The baby was with my husband who died the year before…
What dream role would you not wanna play in front of your family?
When the theme is android vs cyborg