23-second 10-person factory solve at Georgia Tech cubing club
Unsolvable cube debate
3.79 GPA
Swing Changes
Help needed
Am I cooked
is a 3.7 GPA too low?
What does my travel map say about me?
How do yall feel about people who cheat?
Any point applying with a B in one class as a sophomore transfer?
Got wild
Engineering Physics II Academic Comeback
Kicked calc 2’s butt
The madness continues
Time is stopped for you whenever your eyes are closed.
I just solved a 9x9 lesssgooooo
Is desire to meet other passionate students a reason to transfer to a t-10?
Apparently I'm psycho cuz I do 13 then 46 then 24 then 35
my 4.0 got ruined to calc
The Cube with no name...IN ACTION!
I have a full working prototype now.
Am I cooked? Failing 5/8 classes
What am I