Airfield gets a lot of hate but can we talk about Erlenberg?
To all who struggle to get to Silver - if a potato like me managed to do it for two seasons straight, you can too! Just don't give up.
Two sides of BC25t coin in Onslaught
New players also need to thrive!
Your average onslaught experience
Why almost every single post that I have made with an image in this subreddit "has been removed by the moderators"
I am thinking about getting somua and ts5 are they good in randoms or frontline?
Trade Squall for…
Help in Onslaught on the Cliff map
Rumour - multi tier lootboxes might come to EU server
Should I sell my Obj 252U (bought for bonds) for TS 5 or the Obj 274a? I am fairly interested in the play style of both the tanks
In Poland we call this tank "The fridge"
I know, guys, I've some big ones!!
Can today orders from auction can be used for future campaing?
Move along, nothing interesting here, just Kaylee eating a strawberry
WG pulling ideas from a childhood classic?
WoT Auction Event
Stunning lighting mod
Onslaught which you think is best of these?
What I see when I meet an XM57
Every second game on onslaught freezes
Dark Echelons small spoiler required
Is there anyone who hasn't got the shitbarn on their most destroyed top-3?
This sub is a kind of an airfield, so I feel it's ok to announce my departure