Fallout 4 timing of bomb
Wow. I can't believe he really wore the Grandchester Mystery Mansion from Fallout 4
What on earth is this structure at the end of episode 2 of the show?
What's your favourite ridiculous quote from in game?
We heard noises in this abandoned building when we were standing still being quiet
Can anyone say anything positive?
Has anyone ever experienced brutal, heartless rejections that mentally destroyed them?
Another question
If the brotherhood came from the commonwealth in the show than why are they so culty
Chat be fr am I cooked? (19 - MtF)
Am I Ugly? M24
M19 I'm planning to ask a girl for the first time. Just want to be aware of what first impression someone would have. Also avoid "eww noo"
Does tayk like butt stuff
I am going to die alone and i know it
35M give it to me straight
Why are you single?
Any tips for me to stand out more to the ladies?!? Single. Age 26.
Should I grow my hair back out or keep it clean shaven?
Do I have to beat the story to farm lechance?
19M. No clue how I actually look
Why are the air bubbles only around the coil?
Rate plz
2 healers at the same time??