I'm really struggling to trust, fear's taking a hold of me
Struggling to trust
Relapsed on lust
I lost hope
Help me from making a grave mistake
What exactly do I do?
Is this Satan?
Asking for certain medication
Feeling like I've fallen from grace
I'm starting to get frustrated
Does God actually have a plan for me?
Unanswered Prayers
Request to be discharged
Is this Satan or Jesus?
Being discharged after stem cell transplant (Question)
Did I make a mistake?
What's the purpose of this?
Can someone explain what was going on?
Question on seeing accidental po*n
Just got back from the hospital, tell me what to do 👍
Leukemia Update (& a question)
What do I do if I'm not fit to be a follower?
Intrusive thoughts
Not sure what's going on with me, need help
Is this what chemo brain feels like?