Spent years searching for my perfect journal before realizing that I could make my own with stickers
EA needs to understand this about their games.
How can I name my men things that aren't cringe?
tattoo ideas for adrenaline?
I just found this group, just wonder if there are people my age roughly (im 21) who just hates the modern life of just constant smartphones? I wish we could go back to the days of keypad phones! I love the 2000s life before smartphones!
Good resources/advice for self defense?
how would you read my voice? (non-binary)
Horror/Supernatural books that feel like this
any creative ideas for what to do with empty candle jars?
What's something most people don't realize is a waste of money?
what's a book that you just couldn't put down?
how gay am i?
help!! it rained on my laptop and now the screen has bright blotches all over it!!!
What’s your best tip for stretching groceries to last longer?
Each companion's bedroom
I can’t stop fapping to Halsin
senior year in Computer Science degree, but I want to switch to IT. am I done for?
Call me a weirdo, but... I would
Day 20th update on Harriet, the tarantula paralyzed by a Hawk Wasp sting
HP Omen 16 screen goes black?
I feel this deep down. Who’s with me?