Has anyone received their brave new world code yet?
did you grow up hating your heritage language / do you regret not learning it?
Polyglots, which languages do you speak? How do you maintain proficiency in many languages over the long term? Assuming a polyglot speaks three or more languages.
After 15 years, the rock in my arm finally came out. "Nsfw"
Is there a specific name for the accent where people pronounce the "sh" in words like 是 and 十 as "si"?
“Luigi’s game is about to be multiplayer”
Started pushing keys with new team and been having a blast. Then tank and I got this out of nowhere from our healer.
Cant call new Toon "CorpseKing"
Purchased the game hours before the sale went live. Blizzard doesn't care.
Ratespiel: Welche Krankheit hatte ich (M,26)
Won’t someone PLEASE think of the poor CEOs!
Spaghetti al dente + 40 minutes
What did the Chinese man say when he couldn't cut his tomato?
As an EU player, they only gave us one option...
Google searches for 'Move to Canada' skyrocket after Trump win
Fungal Folly... Blizzard, I dare you to say that this delve was tested by ANYONE and deemed "fun and engaging" content.
We love to see it
Augmentation Evokers are the biggest lie of this season.
Does anyone wish they had some form of more difficult dungeons, but they weren't timed like m+?
Is the noun used for penis in your language masculine, feminine or neutral?
Is “no sabo” really common?
When Coca Cola announced it sold 4 times more than Pepsi in 2001, Pepsi responded with this commercial
Eu como feijão, why is beans singular here, saying "I eat bean" sounds unnatural to me. Thanks!
Night elf cosplay 💙