Not 9,999,999. Only 10M. 🤡
Berel went all in on the 1-hour later follow up.
Let’s hire Pam #goat
Need a reason to get people to compliment your tats? Post common sense.
Toxic masculinity is an illusion.
More like: “where’s the rest of the dress?”
Please follow me for more rejection
Dan Price idealism 2.0. Agree?
Anti-LUNATIC! He’s one of us.
Moment of silence or salute for dad who takes a day off to do his job as a dad. Top notch lunatic.
Boeing, Microsoft, Google out to get her
Want to be her husband?
When your ego is that big that you tag yourself and make a hashtag out of your name
Hall of Fame response from recruiter HELL!
100 for a referral?
Simps come out in full force to support Lunatic after she attaches selfie to a “professional” post. The comments are hilarious.
No words
A post that isn’t about the views where the OP posts about the views and comments about the views. The level of vanity and lack of self-awareness on this platform is astounding.
Chad Lunatic showoff acknowledged by LinkedIn
Reminder: if you're "anti-woke", you're anti-worker.
2:1 Sewage: content “creator” trying to sound line Poe and a fawning commenter begging for “follow me” in the headline where everyone is a “friend” and sucks everyone’s butt.
Agreed. Why do we have a system that values the rich?
LinkedIn is a sewer
Follow up post pimping kids from the lunatic who did the selfie in the Guns N’ Roses shirt eating blueberries bragging about the engagement she got from the post in the Guns N’ Roses shirt eating blueberries.