Theistic Evolution is Liberal Theology
For the Arminians out there, how is the Arminian doctrine of election not a works based salvation?
How do you deal with judgemental gossiping Christians
Is it weird if I'm a Christian but I don't like Trump?
“Biden prosecuted pro-life protesters; Trump just pardoned them. The choice for Christians was always so clear.” - Allie Beth Stuckey
A Question About Christianity Posed to ChatGPT, & Its (Mind-Blowing) Answers.
Romans 11:17 What is the “root” discussed here?(open discussion)
a flat earther goes to heaven
Canaan worshipped Yahweh?
What happened to turning the other cheek?
What does 1 Corinthians 3:10-15 mean?
Does anybody else feel like they're part of a very clique-ish church?
“Legalism” doesn’t mean what people think it means
Fallen Angels Imprisoned
Questioning my worth as a woman.
Lord’s Prayer in the CEV? Accurate?
A house is not a home without God in it .amen
Everyone on this sub can do better (Read this post)
I asked Chat GPT if it was the devil, what would be the best strategy to stop Christians from fulfilling their destiny. The response:
Your reasons for believing in Christianity rather than merely "a higher power", etc.
I have a question about "faith alone."
Is masturbation ok if it keeps me from fornicating?
how the world shows exorcism: really weak to the point is barely working or doesnt work at all