Engineering Ambassadors
More adult leaning shows?
what does uf financial aid look like
Why do you like the Legend of Korra?
EA Ambassadors
Who’s side would they be on
Season 5 is EXTREMELY Underrated
What book series did you drop or get angry reading because the main character is stupid?
What siblings do you wish had more interactions
UF Financial Aid Offers for Freshman
Starting college
Who is the cringiest or annoying character?
can these stats get me into uf?
Between Sokka and Bolin, who do you feel is funnier?
Are you hopeful we'll get Arc 3?
How did Iris become the leader of the Flash team out of nowhere?
As parent, which Gossip Girl character would be worst to raise?
How will you react?
Should I watch the legend of korra?
Fruits Basket love
Who would win
Marco’s three girlfriends. (Citalopram-overdose)
This episode streak never fails to kill my interest in the show. Is it possible to just skip it and not lose any context?
I’m new to this sub and ive never heard any negative criticism against the series so whats your criticisms for the The Last Airbender franchise in general (aside from that awful film)