Traditional Catholic View on Divine Right of Monarchs?
Peru: Cardinal Calls on Police to Stop Faithful Praying the Rosary
Navigating between freedom and obedience
Vote: In your opinion, which is the most beautiful eastern chant aesthetically speaking? And why?
What is your opinion of the movie Conclave?
Are Eastern Catholics Being Disadvantaged in Catholicism?
Tankie: “Zhukov: We liberated Europe from fascism, but they will never forgive us for it”. Meanwhile, the Soviet Union:
Latin Mass in peril: the situation in the French Diocese of Fréjus-Toulon following the deposition of Bishop Rey
My thinking of how we keep our faith and save our church
Can an Eastern cleric be a pope? If so, what happens to the bishop and the Latin Church?
Todos somos latinos
What is your favorite traditional order? (i.e. SSPX, ICKSP, FSSP etc.)
Esse cara e o vereador mais votado da cidade mas a única preocupação e lacra na Net.
What is your Rite?
Nice : la ville contrainte de démonter sa statue de Jeanne d'Arc à 170.000 euros après un recours du préfet. Dégueulasse.
Crescimento dos moradores de rua e usuário de drogas nos centros históricos
Según los españoles, ¿quién fue el mayor rival histórico de España?
All roads lead to the Alt-Right Pipeline.
We are not the same. (MEME)
Selon les Français, qui était le plus grand rival historique de la France?
Romanian traditions
What little-known thing about Brazil abroad would you like non-Brazilians to know more about?
Quelle chose méconnue de la France à l’étranger souhaiteriez-vous faire connaître aux non-Français ?
In which century did the Eastern liturgy "finish" developing?