How do you start a conversation with a random girl
horror movies about disability?
I genuinely don't consider these two the same character
Advice needed
Should I clean it?
Beardstache vs Stache, which looks better & which projects a more masculine look? TIA
Characters working out/training while completely naked
The first episode I ever watched. What was yours?
What do we think?
Characters who's whole thing is physical power. No reality warping, elemental manipulation, or magic just physical force.
Scored this for 16€
The planet's about to be destroyed, so we're sending you away
Businessmen who are perfectly happy commiting genocide
26, Have I made a mistake shaving?? What looks tidier on me?
What novels are men into these days?
If I kept growing the stache but trimmed the rest down to stubble would it look alright?
Does my beard look bad? Im looking for ways to improve its look
Thoughts on this look?
Thank you. For more, please read the captain.
Characters that are best friends but also mentor and pupil
Too much?
Is it common for men to have fantasized about fighting animals? How do you feel about it?
When to finally give in?
Should I get rid of the facial hair?
Looking for "nothing happens" movies