Greetings. Got my camera today.
doubt about purchase
An Important Update from the Amaze/Spring Team
Will my ugly Christmas Tshirt make it by Christmas?
Fix the Crowdstrike boot loop/BSOD automatically
New Topstone 2
size small owners... how do you load up storage accessories?
Circle island bike touring trip on Oahu
Wheel replacement
Tire and feet
Lazy Sunday ride
Finally a Top Stoner! Got a T2 on sale at REI for $1600 (had to get them to put the right parts on)
Finally joined the club
Apparently can't join the club
NBD! Fuji Jari 2.5
In the club!
Simple RAM keypad programmer
programming the 8-bit computer
Final testing of modules before programming the EEPROMs
Calculating the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything.
My Clock Module
Control line LEDs don't stand up straight
Need help, Register troubleshooting
Happy New Year from my 8-Bit Machine!