Linus the sad cat.
Utterly clueless trans girl with no idea what to do with my hair
aphrodite drawings
What does my art taste like?
All types stereotype vs reality, OC artist /u/moikistinysis
Friday the 13th in December was something like this
Do you relate? Lol
Lingerie body as part of your daily outfit yes/no?
Which Pakistani / Indian outfit looks better?
Zaubertrick: Wie hat das funktioniert?
I’ve never made an altar but this is my first attempt.Is this okay? Is it too much or too little? (Also I was wondering how exactly do I offer things? I just place them in the altar and let them know right?)
Let’s go ✨
Did I improved? How can I be more feminine?
Please help me name my cat, what should I call him.
Which one suites me better?
Tried a modern twist on rebellious makeup
is this real?
If this isn't a sign, I don't know what is
new candle for my Aphrodite altar ❤️
Guess my mbti ;)
Rockstar girlfriend makeup but make it maroon and glossy 💋
my shrine to Hekate, Pan, and Aphrodite
Blonde or brown?
1920’s themed wedding. Did we nail it?