Off topic freakend question
Final freakend question
which one of you is responsible for this
So, it's been a month. What are we all doing?
Thoughts on this video? It’s about the debate of whether or not to let in former trump supporters
I’m so fucking pissed right now
Serious question: How did Obama get voted in twice and yet the same voters went for trump in 2016?
There isn’t a hell hot enough for Andrew Wakefield
I’m the Barrack Obama of ___; that means nobody does it better.
More Nazi Salutes at CPAC tonight
This is what I keep telling myself. We can never allow them back into polite society
System Of A Down is very good at ______
“I never thought the leopards would eat *my* face”says the party that for years whipped up the gop
ICE Prosecutor in Dallas Runs White Supremacist X Account
Bastard suggestion: Elizabeth Loftus
Trump's approval rating slips as Americans worry about the economy
Trump wants to lay off 200,000 employees. For reference, that’s how many jobs were lost in August of 2009 during the financial crisis
Not sure if she will specifically run, but which ever dem runs for 2028, it is almost certain imo that some bullshit “investigation” will happen. I wouldn’t be surprised if the gov starts jailing opposition candidates
I hope there is a hell just so every official involved in this can rot there forever
Oh Spirits, what should I order at McDonald's?
The reason why all the planes are crashing in 2025 is cos god is punishing the _______ people
Hey demons, I bet you can't type Henry's entire speech in FNAF 6 (Connection Terminated)
I honestly don't understand how so many Americans don't seem bothered that Musk & his minions have access to our tax info and social security numbers & payment info. Do many not even know what's going on bc they're not paying attention? Or did they accept this as a possibility when voting for Trump?
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