rejected from upenn, don’t know what to do
Rejected from Rice Interview?
Non-custodial parent financial stuff
Admitted Students Megathread
Best dorm for freshman??
help me pick between yale and upenn!!
Non-public high school student and NCM Match
When is BU coming out?? also admission plan change where?? please help ;-;
any idea when colby is coming out?
Case Western Reserve University RD Results
Screenshot for the pilot program acceptance I received.
Did anyone else receive a email from questbridge about the pilot program?? They posted a status update to our portal.
CWRU likely??
self esteem has been tanked by decisions
looking back at ed1 me…i was so dramatic
Princeton Interview Scheduling
Wharton Global Youth Program
ED UPenn FinAid Portal
should i withdraw from gates scholarship
Why (possibly) you didn't match
Where my overseas FInalists at
Columbia NCP Waiver
Princeton Grade Request