From Serbia to Greece through Bulgaria
My friend was getting harassed by him so... I scammed him and got a photo.
Šta mislite o Nemanji Šaroviću?
Pašteta, ukus koji nas spaja
Jak this guy
What is the most controversial opinion about food from your country?
Syrian refugee 'murders his "Westernised" daughter, 18, in honour killing and dumps her in a canal after she started dating local Dutch boy and wanted to stop wearing a headscarf'
Zašto je naš narod pun mržnje?
Da li postoji razlika izmedju našeg goriva i stranog goriva?
Is facisism aloud in mirconations
Paintjob problem.
Jedno pitanje o sexu?
I made the mistake of finding my brothers reddit account
Me and my boyfriend on a protest in serbia
In your opinion what is the best brand?
Da li se zna koji delovi Bga su blokirani u subotu i nedelju?
Коју ствар из српске историје народ слабо познаје а мислите да би сви требали знати?
Najbolja knjiga koju ste pročitali
Informer upravo
Just got my first motorcycle
Give me your favorite song, and I'll listen to it
Nakon pada SNS-a sa vlasti, ko će da dodje na vlast?
What is your opinion on Abkhazia and South Ossetia?
What is this country? wrong answers only☠️
I just bought this set for $55