The gameplay is back to being all-time horrid.
Who to use
What is your club name?? Add explanation if you like
What did you pack a team of the year/icon/HM from?
What TOTY did you guys pack OR if you didn't which one do you want to pack?
Post Match Discusson: Spurs 1-2 Leicester
Ange shouldn’t be sacked… yet.
Packluck was insane yesterday for me
Was ripping some SBCs and the n ….
Take that AI abusers!!!!
You can save only one round 3 here is link to the poll
Who do I even take at this point?
Drop Your Unique Evos That No One Else Has ⬇️
How many years have you played and how many legit TOTYs have you packed?
Rare Evo Cards
Is ALL PLUS Voyageur Card (199 EUR) worth it ?
Are these winter cards with 99 attributes really worth?
How to stop buying players
Where in Manchster can I get a cheap room to spend a few hours during the day in?
Am I the only one who finds the Matthews family annoying?
How to get 2 status nights
where’s the rest of season 1
Who's an Icon you feel is underused by the community but a total beast for you team?
Would you see this escort again?