I hate blue
It’s official. Blue is my 5th favorite color.
How to say fuck you in your local language
Me definitely 0
Not interesting
I am at the train station
I peeled a banana today.
Would you pet the catabra?
I ate a sandwich
I'm so hungry
Burger King worker gave me 12 nuggets when I ordered 9
How do you call it in your language?
What do you call this in your language
My egg has a thing
Hey guys! How do you call this in your language? Just curious!
How the USA see the world.
They died?
A paperclip I scanned to check if the scanner was working propperly.
Public toilet seat setup
i wrote a nice 's' today (PS ignore everything else)
Bravo Gerry hai esattamente ragione qui in Liguria siamo famosi solo per loro
Toys for your kids
Vecchia ma sempre bella