Is sore throat a side effect of Ozempic?
Increased dosage and Appetite is back!
Interviews / Applying to Jobs / Follow ups / All Related Questions - [Megathread]
How do salary bands work when moving to higher role as an FXT
Possible 6.6% tax increase
30lb weight loss- face changes
What's the food you never had control over?
What's going on in town . Their were more cops out last night then usual. Dead body found west end (across from petro-can)
Double, Double Tipping
my crib. what do I put in?
Did I just mess up my tank by adding rainbow sharks?
What is coming out of my mystery small?
AWA question re FXT employee
What kind of algae is this?
New Mystery Snail - what is this?
New tank setup
Angelfish has hair?
New media - going from the flimsy pads to foam and BioMax
Koi Angel Fish
Does anyone have any idea on what could go in this tank? I got gifted this tank and it’s a 10gal. Obviously no fish are going in yet until it’s cycled though.
Fish may have died of iridovirus? What should I do?
Does CRA makes term employees permanent
Received a verbal offer to return to work after term, then denied
Question about Accommodation eligibility
Thoughts on ongoing RTO mandate?