Are you happy with your height?
I Love Being Short.
ain’t no way a piercing done w a paper clip healed better than one done by a professional 😭🙏🏾
I get around 16 hours of sleep everyday day is that normal cuz I’m just now finding out some of you guys get like 4
aint no way my parents js told me that they’ll buy an adhd assessment for me if i stop procrastinating and start paying attention 💔
are jackets supposed to be washed
does anyone wake up late when they sleep early?
is 13 too young to lift
Are you old enough to know
Does anybody else get scared and/or tempted to watch the time when it's __:59?
my left eye hurts
why tf do people think that asia’s just east asia
just saw this dude complaining about being 6'4
I’m the parent of a teenager seeking advice
my parents won’t let me exercise 💔
what are your thoughts on parents being sent to court for their kid’s school absences?
Girls, what makeup do you like on other girls?
Please help i think my cousin wants my dick
does anyone else feel like they don’t exist??
bully me into doing my homework
What do you all think about my grades?
when will parents realize that getting ur phone taken gives you more freedom