Starting FFX soon, haven’t played it since I was a kid. Super excited, but any early game tips or missables I should watch for?
What’s your team??????
Final Fantasy III! Final playtime of 12:26, here’s the rundown:
Final Fantasy 2 is a game of all time.
Game number 2 is done! I rushed through it, with a final playtime of 9:53. Here’s how I’m scoring it but spoiler alert, I didn’t like it:
Okay, game number 1 is done! A nice short game coming in at 8:28. Here’s how it’s breaking down according to the rubric:
I completed Final Fantasy II Pixel Remaster for the first time.
I’m going to try and play a Final Fantasy game every month this year
Is this an Alan Wake reference?
Favorite "supposed to lose" fight that you've beaten?
Games that FFT fans enjoy
I never get used to the bittersweet feeling of finishing a good JRPG
What JRPG that you bought/played on a whim ended up being a pleasant surprise?
My boi Zag adding insult to injury with a dance emote
I relapsed
Best srpgs still stuck on ps1?
Day 5 Top AFE Guests - Croikey! It's Aiiimeeee Meeeeeelaaaahhhhh! Alright now ladies and gentlemen keep it going for your next guest, at number 5 we have...
Looking for new casual guild - I use all stamina and won every guild battle just to finish rank 4 in bronze league. Not looking for discord, just more active guild.
Does Dan look like an eccentric millionaire who swims with Aligators for fun?
Sean in 4 years?
This dad daughter duo conversation is amazing.
Baby Millionaire
These are the stocks I’m down on, which would you DCA into?
Why they gotta do Miami like that?
Wildest 2k glitch of all-time
As an adult in the AFE community who can also DEFINITELY read and enjoys all grounds covered in AFE eps, can I get some good book recs? Curious what the afe fam are reading
Draft idea