Sex video in exchange for upvote
Congress Introduces First Supreme Court Term Limits Bill! This is the fight that Democrats -- and, frankly, everyone -- needs to get behind.
CDC director says no revised school guidelines despite Trump's push |
CIA Kept Giving Intel to Russia, Got Nothing Back
sounds logical...
WIBTA if I fired a staff member for potentiall exposing an immunosuppressed co-worker to Covid?
Trump 2020 doesn’t have the luxury of being Trump 2015... he needs every skinhead and Klan member voting in November
Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr. in college, fall of 1937
A teenage girl died after her parents took her to a church party and gave her hydroxychloroquine after she showed signs of COVID
TIL that the Nazis branded Einstein's theory of relativity to be "Jewish physics" and published a book "One Hundred Authors Against Einstein". When asked how he could win an argument against so many people Einstein replied that one fact was more powerful than 100 scientists
AITA for refusing to lie to my mother's husband about how I met my husband?
Trump administration launching new pandemic response unit
If people do reunite with their love one in heaven, Its probably pretty awkward for those who was widowed and remarried.
Just sayin'
True Statement
AITA for giving a company my honest opinion on their interview process when they asked for it?
18 , self loathing , don't give people crap coz I m too lazy , love sewing. :)
All that in 72 hours? That must be a record
AITA fot kicking out my daughter after she tried to send my cat to the shelter?
TIL Rolls Royce uses the leather of 15 to 18 Bulls per car, raised in cold climates to prevent marks from insect bites. Cows aren't used because they might have stretch marks from pregnancies.
Aita for changing my swimsuit after feeling uncomfortable at a pool party, and than “embarrassing” people when I was asked about it?
The Trump Administrations suspension of visas - how will this affect physicians?
AITA For ditching someone who asked me out on a friendly hangout, which turned out to be a date I was supposed to pay for?