Why so little mention of the gastric stimulator/pacemaker here?
Random family member keeps encouraging me to reconnect. I finally snapped back with receipts and she agreed to shut up.
Any satanists around?
isnt it crazy how people dont notice youre gone
What is the range of outcomes for people who experienced emotional neglect + intrusiveness? Talking labels of pathology here.
My brother (44) had a heart attack a couple years ago and doesn’t eat red meat anymore. My parents know this and sent him this thoughtful anniversary gift.
On bad days what’s your go to for pain management.
DAE view themselves as a child?
Did anyone else see what appeared to be some kind of cult gathering around the green tree exit earlier?
"Family Friendly" is a thinly veiled code word for "sucks for everybody else".
# of surgeries?
He keeps knocking my knitted pumpkin off the table. Roast this cow!
GES Results
Just me, or...?
Scent Therapy for Nausea
Why didn’t anyone help me dear god
Just told my mom she hurt me deeply by something very cruel she said. Her response: “I will continue to pray for you and your family”
Trying to touch my baby+the fake money church play
I got excision surgery and sterilized on Tuesday!
Am I crazy to think that nurses are grossly underpaid?
Can anxiety cause symptoms?
We are reliving our childhoods this week
Just found an old sketchbook, I’d like to share the first page