The Intersectionality
‘I love Hitler’ – Kanye West unleashes latest antisemitic rant online
Costco tells DEI critics to shove it and the stock is on fire. Glad they started in Seattle.
How are we supporting Trans Americans?
Im 17 and I got few months of life left. I am f*cking scared.
Does anyone get depressed in these snowy seattle winters??
Why doesn’t anyone talk about racism in the American Jewish community?
City of Seattle’s Environmental Justice Fund Awards
NYT Charles Blow Farewell Column
Ask AG Nick Brown to join the 15 attorneys general protecting access to gender-affirming care
Seattle Children’s Postpones Trans Teen’s Surgery Indefinitely
Non profits/causes to support in these crazy times
If I see one more "anti-zionist" leftist post a variation of Martin Niemöller's poem I'm going to scream.
In July, incoming editor Hannah Murphy Winter said she was going to fire everybody; now we know that she wasn’t joking
Has anyone else noticed a shift in the political dynamics of r/Seattle in the past month or so?
The University of Washington Board of Regents selected Robert Jones as the next president during the Feb. 3 Special Meeting. Jones currently serves as the chancellor of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
Stamford politician who made antisemitic remarks to be censured, not removed
Wow! The NYT manages NOT to overlook anti-Semitism for a change.
Huge Trump protest / Mexican rally
Seattleites with excess income, now is the time for you to help your community:
ICE arrests repeat offenders across Washington
Is your bank (((Zionist)))? Sign spotted at an "anti Zionist" protest in Victoria BC.
Doing research for a book—what’s a left-wing antisemitic take that’s left you feeling unwelcome?
Wow, NYT managers NOT to overlook anti-Semitism for a change. (Book Review of Josephine Baker).