Convince me to continue reading Maybe Someday
What do you think of the characters in the new dlc so far?
Is he top tier
Adult romance novels look too much like YA novels
Insert Goku or name from an Highschool Anime
SSJB Goku Kamehameha by me
Women should go forward with a “4B” movement
Who's your main and why?
“I don’t have any girl friends. Just guy friends. Girls don’t really like me hahaha”
I don't mind that people don't want to rematch but I've been adding everybody I meet and no one wants to be my friend :(
The last fight of storm 3 made me ragequit lol
HiPo build for these units?
is this a good for a 55%?
People who say the new TEQ EZA Broly is Bad because he has Low defense (1.3 mil with Guard is still good to tank almost every punch in the game) are just missing the point
HIPO build for Phy Rib?
Blame the 13 year old
What is your favorite non-Goku & Vegeta duo in the franchise?
How true is this? 😂
The boys helping my drunk ass to bed after a night at the swingers club.
Is this guy any good
What do you think of this anniversary… how is it going and what do you like and dislike?
Every Show Has One: Frasier Edition - No Screen Time... All the plot relevance - CHOOSE YOUR FAVE MARIS PIC
Beautiful view all weekend
Where did all the people who were doing stone-checks for Ani go?