5 days clean almost lost
Anyone knows where i can buy a bottle of jack Daniel's?
Anyone knows where i can bjy a bottle of jack Daniel's and for how much?
Broke my streak - feeling like shit
What's your favorite insult that doesn't use any swears or slurs?
Not being an alcoholic means you can't be happy.
What does drinking a small quantity of alcohol for the first time feel like?
How do i get this thing unstuck?
People who make a living and didnt go to college, how?
Exploring abondoned places
Train tunnel in souk ahras
Urbexing in Algeria
Should we have a no tolarence policy on trolls?
No way
Agoulmim n'Iker
Music that gives you megalophobia?
How do i stop?
Do you think it fits here?
Saddest French meme
This was news to me
so the other day in discord someone sent this and ever since i have been trying to find the context or meaning of this video so i thought maybie anyone here know?
This is happening again
15 push-ups?