Cold for a Texas boy hike and overnight in the Ouachita wilderness, Buckeye to Carny creek loop. 10.9miles
“Okay please stop” 😂
What happens if a jockyless horse finishes on the board?
Marott Woods Preserve - Dogs off leash
Dr rec needed for perimenopause
Favorite Thrift Stores?
What to expect Everglades Camping
All I had left were the two hoes from the loaf for my sad looking sandwich
Hollow Socks
Backpacking in the Midwest
Meal Prep for 1 person
Possible Bad local Gift cards being sold at Kroger.
Keeneland Advice
I need you to like a photo of a pokestop to make sure it becomes a gym.
Indianapolis Creek Life
Crazy good deals alert Meijer Flashfood exp today
Pets not taking meds
Wishing wells/fountains?
Santa Anita: GIGO
Raising egg costs
Warranty Torrentshell
I look so old all of the sudden