Huge, massive, catastrophic, world-ending nerfs to AMX ELC 901
I have 16k Bonds, do i get m60, 121b, kpz50t, or concept 1b?
absolutely terrible win rate
Special Bond Offers In The In Game Store (Bond Turbo for 10k Bonds)
Make another frontline version purely for tech tree tanks
Is M4A3E2 Jumbo still viable with stock turret and 105mm?
There must be something I am not seeing about the DZT-159, that you guys see
Two sides of BC25t coin in Onslaught
Solution to drowning
We Really Need to Address the Drowning / Griefing Issue. THIS Should not being Happening SO often
A new tank
There is nothing wrong with being average at the game, just don't write a masters's thesis on why it's the game and not you.
New player looking to learn
Nazi in Reichserntedankfest in 1934 make you realize how enormous it actually was. this is absurd...
The real issue of Matchmaking is the inbalance of too many high WTR Players in one team
Found my new tank for damage blocked missions
Random gift is back !
So what's WG trying to say? "Haha you'll never drive this tank?"
Is BZ-75 7vs7 in a rental period or permanent?
Not worth a cent
New premium??
Does the size of a computer monitor affect game performance?
Crew Mentoring Course - transfer crew XP in Update 1.28 might/will be monetized
The Onslaught experience. What keeps you going?
Update 1.28 CT & Update (MEGATHREAD)