just got prescribed levothyroxine and i'm scared of the side effects
I don't know if they're anything special or anything, I'm still figuring the game out, but I'm so excited about these two girls I just produced.
Nightsong Question
She’s a 50/50 mix guess which two
Why is my mouse caked up?
how do you guys come up with names?
My king is going to retire. Which one should replace it?
You have a chance to remove something in canon. What is it?
Which breed do you think my dog is?
How many diamonds and how many hours do you have in the game?
If there was a map released specifically based on the area you lived, what animals would be on there? (funny hypothetical discussion.)
day three of finding one thing people hate about each state - washington
Dream I had last night:
Pacific northwest map with normal wildlife but there's a 0.01% chance Bigfoot spawns on your map and you can kill him and place him in your trophy lodge. Thoughts?
guess my age/gender/sexuality
Price check please?
Lion price check
which heir should i MoD?
Say an artist and I'll give you my top 3 songs
Has anyone here ever actually been bitten by a snake or spider?
Money tree is at poverty level.
What is my whippet mixed with?
Favorite reserves?
What’s wrong with this chicken?