Is this much skipping normal for a brand new table and record?
r/vinyl Weekly Questions Thread for the week of February 03, 2025
Brand new player and record skipping like crazy?
Suggestions for murder mystery/ detective books
What book do you think about on a daily basis?
What's a book that everyone should read at least once?
Is there any way I could put a somewhat decent board or something on here to practice on?
Is this a decent average for 18 legs? been playing for 1 year now
MvG trying out new looks before the semi finals
New year edition please (saw on Pinterest)
I don’t think people understand how hard the most recent vid was.
If I was to order now when do you reckon I’d get the device?
A plush of teddy
Books with similar vibes to Peaky Blinders
It just occurred to me that Body Paint’s piano riff is pretty similar to Bohemian Rhapsody’s… key, tempo, beat, notes played even. Anyone notice that?
GTAV - Does this story get any better?
Hogwarts Legacy Has No Soul
Is it worth upgrading from RP4 Pro to RP5
This thing is really a beast
Huge News!! RP5 8gb of ram and Android 13!
got an urge to play an fps game again, what should i play?
I got diagnosed as a child and know surprsingly little about my condition
What are you currently playing?
Which project has your most favourite title track?