I made a Moonlight Greatsword replica. Rate it out of ten
Chuť Horaliek
Just watched the newest gameplay of The Remake. I don’t like that The Nameless won’t be in the middle of the screen. I need my character in the middle. Am I weird?
Day 1 of trying to get a comment from each European subdivision
I feel sorry for that person, loved her.
Ktoré populárne hry nemáte radi?
What camp are you joining in Gothic Remake?
It only took me 269 hours to realize that the table in Roundtable hold can be used as a grace.
Čo ste vyskúšali/zažili raz a stačilo vám?
ELI5: Why did Hasek style of goaltending die out? Is there any goalkeeper using it? I’m sure you know what I mean. He was a beast and his most famous saves are legendary.
Sneaky Piranha Bytes reused the same texture for a mushroom and the cauldron dish
European unity is now more needed than ever. So I decided to do a new version of the classic United Nations poster.
hear me out
vývoj človeka - stálo to za to? filozofická úvaha
Nice to meet you Chronicles of Myrtana: Archolos
Najvtipnejší zážitok z práce
Ugga. Ugga dugga bonk 15 runes an hour. Ugga ugg ugg?
My Miquella Cosplay (ig: velenopunto_)
If you could have one weapon from ER in real life, what would you choose and why?
Keby zlati chlapci hrali v dnesnej dobe!
Bolo by vhodné mať Rammstein na svadbe?
I DID IT?! finally beat my very first fromsoft game
Diver Attacked by a Shark
Japanese man was caught in turkey while trying to join isis
Given up