Guest staying for 3+ months, need suggestions
Coming from East Coast - Burner Bus Capacity vs. Car Rental
Would you paint the beams or leave them as-is?
Question: Any ideas of what I could do with this? Or leave as it is?
30M still just in love with my ex wife
My neighbour has been watching me for some time, and recently i think she started filming me.
Heading up to Tahoe without chains. Do I bring my Cybertruck or my Prius?
[Misc] My 2-month old scar has been giving me stress and mental health problems, constantly checking the mirror. I realized the choice is either to be anxious for the rest of my life or embrace it.
Best Kept Secret TV Shows
Fear thy Tool
I hate my house
my boss is making me work two full time jobs and won’t hire my replacement
Husband putting minimal effort into his business and trying to control my spending
The elemental diet screwed my gut so fucking much and its been over a year since I did it
Shiftpod mini + AC + Generator transportation
Almost 47 years old: should I start Botox or any other suggestions?
What normal underwear company do you buy from frequently?
My mom doesn’t like the venue and is giving me ultimatums
What restaurant / food spot / cafe blew you away recently?
What should I do
Insane neighbour
Joe Gebbia - DOGE?
Good excuse to deny late checkout request.
Would you buy a house that did not have a kitchen/dining room table?
Oregano oil