[Bonsai Beginner's weekly thread - 2025 week 6]
[Bonsai Beginner's weekly thread - 2025 week 7]
Matching power query rows with manual data on refresh
Next weekend - Belgian Bonsai Trophy - biggest bonsai event in Europe. I'll be there to buy lots of stuff - anyone need anything buying for them?
Larch from collected seedlings to (largely) finished tree.
First Trophy
Is ASUS secretly reducing the sustained power limit with the latest BIOS update on the Zenbook S 16?
Using LET to Insert Formula Comments
Is there any way to select a specific number of cells without counting them manually?
Update - What Excel tricks would you teach novices if you were giving an Intro To Excel class?
More JBP in development
Create excel macro to highlight words from excel sheet1 in word file
Technical Interview about spreadsheets and raw data. What could they ask?
I tried the bonsai chap (twice)
Kept a tree alive for a year for the first time
Need help with identification
Data Model Slowing Down Workbook
A few of the newest pots I made...
What's your favorite tree? Here's mine!
Wiring technique for thicker wire
How to seal a big Trunk chop on a field Maple?
Next steps on this shishirashigai
My little bonsai library and a little about each book
Digital versions of Naka’s books
Pivot Date Grouping with unwanted "less than" and "greater than" groups