How do you even fight shrinkinflation when all the 'alternative' brands are owned by the same parent companies? Even the little indepedant companies are shrinking their products
If you mirrored Paul's face he looks completely different depending on the regular side or the droopy side
One of my favourite solo Beatles songs
My current student loan amount vs total assets - best way to pay these off
Who did George piss off?
Advice on finding a matching color?
A broken Sony camera tripod with missing connector base and a snapped off leg... what a steal for $19!
20 years ago we got a Philips CRT for Christmas. Today I'm happy to say it's still working perfectly. Here's to another 20 years
Found the box to our family's first computer monitor from 1992. The box was buried deep in the basement. The company is long gone now.
I miss those sizes...and those prices!
Ended up in the ER because my health insurance denied my medications for almost 2 months
First time ever ordering Doordash and my pizza was delivered sideways. That was the last time I ever used Doordash
Have tomato sauce cans always been 15oz? Feels like 16oz makes more sense...
Anyone know what happened on Stetson near the Aon Center? Looks like a road explosion, or filming a movie.
Loved the way Hank pretty much ignored everything Kahn said
Winners paint bridges!
what was that ride at Luxor called?
Digiorno shaves off 3.6 oz and changes portion sizing
So do you guys just try to avoid non-round number product weights now (13.6oz, 31oz etc)?
Is this a good camera for street photography??
Was Dale right?
What happened to that 0.1% Burt?
Man he was mean but he's changing his scene
Are these remnants of ancient rivers?
An unfortunate typo on the tag of a children's stuffed animal toy