Muscle Fox
Right hook shiba vs water-bending squirrel
Rice dispenser
估唔到連麥當勞都出兩餸飯 🤨
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不斷有觀眾向《東張》申訴港鐵查票機制 又有兩名事主被逼先交罰款再上訴
Blanching kiwifruit in hot water, then bath in cold water. The skin was peeled off smoothly like a peach, revealing a beautiful, jewel-like fruit.
To Neverland!
港鐵逃票風波不斷發酵 支付寶入閘坐頭等被發告票更加唔俾睇CCTV?
Left-Cane sugar, Right-Powdered sugar
The TV that became a TV stand
Next year will be 2025, which is the sum of the cubes of 1 to 9! What a great number!
Day 4 of Giveaways
Looking forward to the new meta. Illustration by @delraich66 on X
Kingfisher thumbtacks
Saitoh Takumi (斎藤工) and Kintaro (キンタロー) cosplaying Jack from The Shining at Tokyo Comic Con 2024
Restaurant owner waving "Please come again" sign to customers
Sniper on Christmas tree
港鐵: 惠己惠人電梯謹記靠右企